Past Life Therapy

Service 1

Sometimes it happens during the course of therapy that, inspite of best probing in pre induction and post induction of hypnosis, the cause of certain problem is simply not found in present life, in any way. That time calls Past Life Therapy.

PLT (Past Life Therapy) is advanced form of PLR (Past Life Regression). This takes much higher skills and dedication on part of therapist.

Almost every religion sect believes in law of karma, those who know re-incarnation of soul, know well that at time of death the conscious mind dies but subconscious mind is immortal, and impacts of that life carry forward to next life, those impacts may be positive or negative for next life.

Although almost every problem in present life (physical, mental, financial, marital, social, spiritual) can have root in past life, still the common Cases for Past Life Therapy are :

Asthma (bronchitis, breathing)
— Usually when person dies due to breathlessness in previous life/lives.

Major Relationship Problems
— Usually due to intense Karmic Bondage’s from past lives.

Repeated Misfortunes like Miscarriage, accidents
— Usually due to certain accepted curses, karmic imbalance.

Occurrence of Certain Diseases since birth
— usually due to limb/organ, abuse/dissociation in past life.

In practicality, destiny plays about 70% role in a persons life actions while free will is only 30%. The latter 70% is not under persons control, no matter how knowledgeable intelligent well planned one may try to be, at critical times, even he ends up working on the 70% planned in subconscious as life-script (and later he is left often cursing himself why he did that). In such a case, PLT is the only resort.

A Usual session of of Past Life Therapy takes around 2-3 hours (depending upon clients mind receptivity)

And the Course of Therapy takes 3-4 sessions, however it could be more or less depending on the case.

Apart from this, just for the curious one, who wish to know their past lives, alternatively a simple PLR (Past Life Regression) session can be arranged. Still, you will amazed to see how deeply our present lives are impacted by the past.